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How to Ensure a Picture-Perfect Unplugged Wedding Ceremony

Unplugged Wedding Ashley Deans Photography Bellingham Wedding Photographer Seattle

Your wedding day is filled with joyous moments, especially as you walk back down the aisle, officially pronounced as wed. Cheers erupt, confetti flies, and bubbles float around you. But amidst this bliss, one thing can detract from the beauty of the moment: guests’ devices obstructing the view and cluttering your professional photos. The solution? Make sure your guests know that you are having an unplugged wedding ceremony.

In today’s age of instant social media gratification, the urge to capture every moment on cell phones or iPads is pervasive. However, an “unplugged wedding” offers a solution to ensure your guests are fully present in the moment, and your photos remain pristine.

Here’s how to effectively communicate and execute an unplugged wedding ceremony:

Start with the Invitations:

Set the tone early by mentioning your desire for an unplugged wedding ceremony on your wedding invitations. This gives guests a heads-up and discourages them from bringing their devices. Don’t forget to include the same message on your wedding website if you have one. This is a good time to ask any hobby photographers to leave their cameras at home. Awareness of what is in the frame of the other photographers and videographers that are present on wedding day is a skill that is only developed by shooting weddings. A hobbyist is very likely to find themselves in our shots. I even photographed a wedding where a guest hired their own photographer. Set boundaries with your guests at the very beginning of your planning will save a lot of headache and potentially awkward situations down the road.

Use Unplugged Wedding Signs:

Place attractive “unplugged wedding” signs near the aisle and welcome area. These not only enhance the ambiance but also serve as gentle reminders to guests as they find their seats. Ensure the signs are prominently positioned, easy to read, and clearly explain the concept of an unplugged wedding ceremony.

Officiant Announcement:

Have your officiant make a brief announcement before the ceremony begins, reinforcing the importance of an unplugged wedding ceremony. Whether it’s a professional officiant, a pastor, or a close friend, ensure they understand the significance and can effectively communicate it to your guests.

Start with a Photo Moment:

Kick off your ceremony with a designated “photo moment” where guests are encouraged to snap pictures of you and your wedding party at the altar. This satisfies their desire for photos while maintaining the sanctity of the ceremony. It’s a fun and memorable compromise.

Enlist Support from Family and Friends:

Inform your close circle of family and friends about your preference for an unplugged wedding ceremony. They can discreetly remind any guests who may forget and ensure a device-free environment during the ceremony.

Remember, consistency is key. By incorporating these strategies and consistently reminding your guests about your unplugged wedding ceremony, you can ensure everyone is fully present, and your professional photos remain free of distractions. Happy wedding planning!

The Journal

